Our proven management practices safeguard public health and the environment and adhere to all federal and state regulations and guidelines to provide the optimal environmental, agronomic, and economic benefits.
Our professionals have experience with compost facility development as well as the development, customization, and growth of industrial and municipal residual management programs.
Our team members hold degrees in agronomy, business, urban forestry, and education. In addition, they have completed graduate-level class work in soil fertility and soil management and have conducted industrial co-product research.
We work alongside Natural Resource Solutions, LLC to develop comprehensive, customized land management programs that support soil fertility and crop production. Our solutions are created through recommendations based on scientific research.
New Earth USA's solutions beneficially reuse by-products, reducing our clients' reliance on landfills for disposing of waste products.
New Earth USA was founded based on extensive knowledge of and experience with serving the pulp and paper industry. We understand that our job is to provide value to the customer. Safety, environmental compliance, and a focus on cost controls are all important aspects of providing a world-class recycling program for our pulp and paper customers. Services include land application, transportation, permitting and lagoon cleaning.
DAF skimming, paunch, FOG and wastewater residuals are challenges for many food and beverage production facilities. At New Earth USA, we have the unique experience to develop solutions that provide cost-competitive and compliant beneficial use programs. From the daily transportation of residuals to the more complex cleanout events, New Earth USA is your resource for the project.
Cities, counties and municipalities face unique challenges in managing wastewater and water treatment residuals. Increasing regulations, public perception, and pending legislation are challenges for all public agencies that manage biosolids. New Earth USA can provide transportation, land application, composting, landfilling/ADC, digester and lagoon cleaning. With many years of experience developing solutions across the country, New Earth USA can provide turnkey solutions for your biosolids and residuals.
Compliance is key to all residuals management programs. New Earth USA is dedicated to environmental and regulatory compliance. We are focused and diligent in tracking and maintaining accurate records as well as in adhering to the requirements of all regulatory authorities. Services include data review/evaluations, facility approvals, land permitting, nutrient management planning, soil nutrient analysis, and waste characterization/classification.